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Legend (Mapshare/MarineCoastal)

Tern Nesting Sites (1)
Penguin Colonies (2)
Australian Fur Seal Colonies (3)
Southern Fur Seal Colonies (4)
Estuarine Fish Habitat (6)
Protected Marine Mammal (7)
Coastal Bird Habitat (8)
LCC Broad Coastal Habitat Classes (9)
Cliffs/slopes (calcarenite) Cliffs/slopes (calcarenite)
Cliffs/slopes (non-calcarenite) Cliffs/slopes (non-calcarenite)
Dunes (active, sparsely vegetated) Dunes (active, sparsely vegetated)
Dunes (stable, well vegetated) Dunes (stable, well vegetated)
Intertidal rocky shores Intertidal rocky shores
Intertidal sandy beaches Intertidal sandy beaches
Mangroves Mangroves
Marshes (brackish/freshwater) Marshes (brackish/freshwater)
Marshes (saline) Marshes (saline)
Seagrass beds Seagrass beds
Sheltered intertidal flats Sheltered intertidal flats
Subtidal rocky reefs Subtidal rocky reefs
Unclassified Unclassified
Modelled Sea Level Rise and Storm Tide 2009 (11)
Modelled Sea Level Rise 2009 (12)
Modelled Sea Level Rise and Storm Tide 2040 (13)
Modelled Sea Level Rise 2040 (14)
Modelled Sea Level Rise and Storm Tide 2070 (15)
Modelled Sea Level Rise 2070 (16)
Modelled Sea Level Rise and Storm Tide 2100 (17)
Modelled Sea Level Rise 2100 (18)
Australian Maritime Boundaries Coastal Waters Limit (20)
Australian Coastline (21)
Gippsland Lakes (23)
Mallacoota (24)
Port Phillip Bay (25)
Western Port Bay (26)
Bass Strait (27)
Corner Inlet (28)
Corner Inlet (30)
0 - 205 0 - 205
206 - 510 206 - 510
511 - 1520 511 - 1520
1521 - 3040 1521 - 3040
3041 - 5060 3041 - 5060
Bass Strait (31)
-99999 - 10020 -99999 - 10020
10021 - 50060 10021 - 50060
50061 - 90100 50061 - 90100
90101 - 150200 90101 - 150200
150201 - 300350 150201 - 300350
Bass Strait C&E Cells (33)
Corner Inlet C&E Cells (34)
Gippsland Lakes C&E Cells (35)
Port Phillip Bay C&E Cells (36)
Westernport Bay C&E Cells (37)
Rock Lobster C&E Cells (38)
Marine National Parks (39)
Marine National Park Outline (40)
Major River Entrances (42)